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  • What are PVC hot water bottles?
    PVC hot water bottles are made of thermoplastic. They are typically see-through and odourless, contrary to rubber hot water bottles. On the other hand, PVC hot water bottles don't last as long as rubber or silicone hot water bottles, as they are less heat resistant. Read our full article: "What are hot water bottles made of?"
  • What are rubber hot water bottles?
    Hot water bottles made of rubber are the most common on the hot water bottle market. They are more resistant to heat than PVC hot water bottles and thus last longer. On the other hand, they can emit a strong rubber odour during the first weeks of use and are not suitable for individuals allergic to latex. Read more: "What are hot water bottles made of?"
  • What are silicone hot water bottles?
    Silicone hot water bottles are made of food-grade silicone. This means that - unlike some rubber or PVC hot water bottles - they do not contain toxic chemicals such as BPA (bisphenol A) or phtalates, usually added during the manufacturing process. Silicone hot water bottles are thus more suitable for children for instance. In addition, they can be heated in microwaves, which can be safer than the traditional way of filling a hot water bottles with hot water from a kettle. Read more: "What are hot water bottles made of?"
  • How much should you fill a hot water bottle?
    Hot water bottles should be filled up to two-thirds of their maximum capacity. Manufacturers advise this as it prevents accidental spills. In addition, filling a hot water bottle up to the top and sealing it leads to too much pressure building up inside of it, which can in turn lead to bursts. Read our full article: How much should you fill a hot water bottle?
  • Can you fill a hot water bottle with boiling water?
    It is recommended to fill a hot water bottle with hot water, not boiling water. Pouring boiling water into your hot water bottle can damage the material and also splash back, increasing the risk of bursts and injuries. Read our full article: "Can you put boiling water in a hot water bottle?"
  • Should you squeeze the air out of a hot water bottle?
    You should always push the air out of a hot water bottle before screwing the cap on. Leaving too much air inside a hot water bottle can lead to accidental tears and bursts due to too high pressure inside of it. Read our full article: Should you squeeze the air out of a hot water bottle?
  • Can you fill a hot water bottle with tap water?
    It is not advised to fill your hot water bottle with tap water as it may contain impurities such as minerals or chemical products, which can damage the material your hot water bottle is made of. Read more in our article (last section): "Can you put boiling water in a hot water bottle?"
  • Is it safe to sleep with a hot water bottle?
    It is not recommended to sleep with a hot water bottle as accidentally laying on top of an over-filled hot water bottle may lead it to burst. Rather, hot water bottles should be used to keep warm before going to sleep and removed as you turn the lights out. Read more: "Should I sleep with a hot water bottle?"
  • Are ribbed hot water bottles better?
    Some users prefer ribbed hot water bottles as they offer an extra layer of protection, preventing direct contact with the skin. In addition, ribbed hot water bottles are designed to diffuse the heat coming from the bottle, offering a more comfortable experience. On the other hand, some hot water bottle users prefer a hot water bottle with both a ribbed side and a smooth side enabling them to control the level of heat they need from the bottle. As the smooth side without the ribbed layer is warmer, it's often used once the hot water bottle has cooled down and no heat diffusion is needed. Read more: Why are hot water bottles ribbed?
  • How long does a hot water bottle stay warm?
    Depending on the quality and capacity, hot water bottles can stay warm between 3 and 6 hours. Using a cover for your hot water bottle will keep it warmer longer, especially if it's made of a thick insulating material such as wool. Read our full article: "How long does a hot water bottle stay warm?"
  • Can a hot water bottle expire?
    All hot water bottles have an expiry date. This date of expiration is shown on the daisy wheel stamp, usually located on the body or neck of your hot water bottle. Manufactuers advise users to replace their hot water bottle every 5 years for hygiene and safety purposes. Read more: "Stamp on hot water bottle: What does it mean?"
  • Where should I store my hot water bottle?
    Hot water bottles should be stored in a dark and dry environment to prevent the material from deteriorating. Your item is best stored hanging upside down in a closet with the stopper/cap removed. Removing the cap will avoid mould building up inside of your hot water bottle. Read our full article: "How to store a hot water bottle: 3 steps"
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